The fantastic Valli del Bitto opens above Morbegno, the biggest village of Valtellina plains: joined only at the beginning. After a few kilometres they divide into the Valle del Bitto of Albaredo, on the left, and into the Valle del Bitto of Gerola, on the right.
As opposed to the other valleys of the Orobie Alps, these two valleys have been inhabited since antiquity. In particular, agriculture and the production of the tasty Bitto cheese, which is still today made following the ancient traditions, as important in the past as they are today.
Thanks to the impressive Via Priula, this valley was an old crossroads for trading between the Canton of Grigioni and the Republic of Venice. Today, it links the provinces of Sondrio and Bergamo with the panoramic San Marco Pass, at its highest point.
This valley has rich larch and Norwegian and silver fir forests and a huge veteran tree: the “Avèzz (fir) du Üsénda”, that reaches 40 m and 5 m in diameter!
The dense woods are also dotted with bright pastures and grasslands. These enchanted places are home of a lot of wild animal species, and are also the scene of many intriguing local legends. Indeed, the savage appearance of the valley permitted the creation of attractive tales about mysterious witches, which were handed down from father to son.
Eroded by the impetuous Bitto torrent, the valley is rich in luxuriant forests which are home to a varied and majestic fauna. For example, you can admire confident roe deer and silent capercallies. Amongst the wild corners, the valley reveals small hamlets surrounded by radiant clearings. A lot of historical buildings testify to the rustic rural life, characterized by antique traditions such as the production of the delicious Bitto cheese.
In Val Gerola also discover the skiing locality of Pescegallo, where amusement is assured!
Moreover, in Gerola Alta, the spectacular Valle della Pietra opens up, at higher altitudes, leading to the Valle dell’Inferno, ending with the stunning Tre Signori Peak.
It is possible to admire fantastic corners of the mountains where water, snow, wind and sun shape the rock creating spectacular environments, such as the Tronella Peak and the Torrione di Mezzaluna.
The wide dams of Trona and Inferno are visible and other precious, enchanting splendours are still intact. For example, you can admire the limpid Lake Zancone and the round Lake Rotondo.